Thursday, November 20, 2008

This might just be PMS talking but....

I feel so out of place sometimes in my room. Like I really enjoy the people I live with but sometimes I just feel like they think they are better than me. Since I am not as "Christian" as them or whatever I dont have the right to do somethings. I feel like all of the blame get put on me for somethings when it is an apartment and everyone has the same duties to keep the place clean. Dont get me wrong they are could be worse...but I am just at the tipping point I think. Like seriously who makes a batch of brownies for a friend and then doesnt give them to the person til like a week later? Then when someone eats because I thought they were for everyone you get hella pissed...even though there are like 10 left? I dunno I guess I am just not that teritorial over food. Some people just amaze me with the way they live there life she says that she is a born again Christian and she reads the Bible everyday and goes to Church yet she sleeps with her boyfriend...and talks about it(rude) and smokes pot and drinks frequently. I think that is a little bit hypocritical. No? Im not saying that being a Christian is wrong because I am a Catholic but really that just seems like disrepectful to me.
Maybe I am just overreacting and getting used to them but I just feel ganged up on sometimes. It is just a damn browine...I will make you a new one if you want...GAH

..oh well getting out for din will be nice...too bad it is raining and hella nasty out....GAH

... 5 days

1 comment:

Me in Memphis said...

Most Christians are horribly hypocritical. And I say that having lived in the Bible Belt for half my life. I couldn't care less what people do, but like you said - don't preach to me about how "holier than thou you" are when I see you doing things that don't match up with what you're preaching.

Cool blog, by the way :)