Friday, January 16, 2009

I dont want to be anything other than me...

Im so happy that it is the weekend...well second day of my 4 day weekend...

I am happy to be home and out of the "hostile" environment I have been living in the past few days.

So you see I live in a school run apt with 3 other girls. One (c) I lived with last year...(k) I met last year...and (e) is an exchange student from Japan (coolest of them all)

So we all take turns usually to clean etc. Well this quarter I have evening classes so I am home all day. This has made c and k feel that it is my sole duty to clean after them when I am not in class...or as they like to say not studying at all.

Last night I was rushing home from class so I could get to the train to come home...and I was being a I didnt do the dishes. I refused actually. SO I am on the train and I get a text from them saying THANKS FOR LEAVING ALL OF YOUR SHIT FOR US TO CLEAN...or something like that.
I feel like I am their fucking maid..excuse my language. But really. I think I am just going to get paper and plastic utensils and just cooks in pots and pans. I am so over it

ON another note....

I am going to try really hard to get back into a healthy eating/working out routine....LIANA will be my witness and I will be her's...ha

Well have a great weekend!


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