Sunday, February 22, 2009

I LOVE Rascal Flatts

I think they sound amazing...I would love to see them in concert sometime....

As I am waiting for the library to open I am avoiding everything I need to do today.
Although I love the sun I am kinda glad that it is raining because now I wont be distracted!

Hope everyone has a great Sunday! YAY Oscars!


Saturday, February 21, 2009

With a little love and some tenderness....

I thought I would be able to get a good start on my paper due Thursday but instead I have been crying for the past 30 mins because I am so overwhelmed and stressed out....

I kind of feel like it is me against the world right now for some reason. Everything is going by too fast and I could really use a slowdown.

GAH....I think I just worry about everything that is not under my control and just need to take a few deep breaths.....1....2....3.....ok time to get back to work

Friday, February 20, 2009


It has been sunny and mid 50's here in cold, rainy Washington for the past few days and I LOVE IT! I am about to go outside without a jacket for the first time in a long time!

I also love not having class on Fridays! I am excited about my adventure today...ha
I just woke up in a good mood so now I hope it goes on the rest of the day...


Thursday, February 19, 2009


Im so is just one thing after another...

SO my way to relieve stress is to sleep..ha

Tomorrow is a new day....and here are my plans

1. Get up
2. Go to gym
3. Take shower/get ready
4. Go to DSHS to figure out my stupid background check...they have told me my address is wrong...3 times!!! I love the kids I work with but this is getting annoying
5. Go to Trader Joe's...I want some hummus and other good foods!

what are your plans for the weekend? Mine are to do homework..and workout! I can feel my arm muscles coming back!!!!

It has been so nice outside lately that I really want spring to come soon...that means I need to catch up on getting back into shape!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


OMG! I thought it was the best episode by far this season. I was getting so disappointed but now I am in love with it again!

Today my roomie K and our neighbor E went up to this beautiful place down on the sound and they took pictures for E's music promotion stuff. It was soooo nice out really made me excited for spring and summer!!! It also makes me want to go hiking!

Lots to do lots to do...3 weeks till the quarter is over.

Have a great night!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I never get stressed out....

Til Now

I am sick
really not wanting to do anything but lay on the couch and watch cheesy movies.

But I have a huge paper due Tuesday and have yet to start it. I hate my life

..well I needed to rant

Have a great Sunday!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

As I sit here trying to avoid the inevitable....

My new obsession is:

It is magically delicious...ha

I have one for a snack everyday...with reduced fat wheat thins. It is a good, filling, healthy snack!

My new goal is to be able to buy cute clothes for the summer...but I have to look cute in them too

Here are a few things that have caught my eye:

This dress from Old Navy...the picture wasnt working

Along with this dress

This halter from American Eagle

A plain black bikini

There are so many other things too....

I need my tax return to come...or just a job would be much for being a "poor" college student...ha

I think instead of studying I am going to the gym! Happy Wednesday!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I feel like I never have anything to write about...

School is on the verge of overwhelming...and I never get stressed this is new.

I love working out in the mornings with Liana! It is so refreshing and makes my day better

I made chocolate covered strawberries last night..mmmmmm...I may have to do this often. I had never made them before...they are easy! I think I am going to bring the leftovers to class

I am so glad that I love my classes and that I am making friends...that sounds lame....ha. I hated going to class and not talk to we talk too much!

Well soo much to do in such little time....ah!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I like where I am headed...

After a whirlwind of a still upset about the Superbowl...I feel accomplished in school..for once.

I almost got 100% on an essay I turned in last week. The only reason I didnt was because of silly APA mistakes. I didnt even think it was that great of an essay...but I guess when you write essays all the time in high school you get good at them! An A is an A

recently I have just felt really good about myself. That sounds really weird but it is a new feeling!

well I had realized it had been a while since I wrote so there we go!

Hope everyone is having a great week!
