Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This week is half over..YAY!

Now that we are past that excitement...

I have a final on Friday that I am proud to say I have started studying for! You see if this was the non productive, I dont care me at this point I wouldnt have even printed out the study guide yet. BUT I am almost done with it...phew

Does anyone else watch Real Housewives of Orange County? I love it... I know I know.
So I was reading something online and I saw where the new girl know the really pretty one..her like old man boyfriend DIED...ya I know sad right. I feel so bad for saying and thinking mean things about their relationship...sad times.

Well 1 week until I return home for break...and I cannot even wait.

Have a happy Wednesday!


1 comment:

Liana said...

why aren't you as overwhelmed as me grrr! haha good job for starting to study!