Sunday, January 25, 2009


Geez this weekend went by fast.
I am swamped by homework...and I like it. It keeps me busy and my mind off of things.

We went to see Bride Wars last night. It was good. It was funny going with boys cause they ask so many questions. Ha
It is supposed to snow this week and I AM SO NOT EXCITED!

Went to the gym yesterday for a good workout...havent been eating too great the past few days...but that is getting better.

My sister went on an official visit to University of Alabama this weekend. While there they treated her like a queen and showed her all of the fun stuff. They also introduced her to some of the coaches of different sports, went to a basketball game and hung out with cool people. SHE MET ONE OF MY FAVORITE COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYERS AND I AM SOOOOO JEALOUS. I so should have gone with her! least she didnt tell him about my obsession with Bama football...but she told the coaches she met..ha

Hope everyone has a great week...this will be busy but fun!


1 comment:

Liana said...

hope you're siked for the gym tomorrow!